The Hot Factor: 10
The Cute Factor: 2
The Muscle factor: 10
The Smile Factor: 6
The Eye Factor:5
The Hair Factor: 10 (He's perfect with no hair, he wears bald-ness well. Props to him for wearing it proudly.)
The Style Factor: 7
Total: 50
Voice -
The Accent Factor: 10 (He's british, this is a win.)
The Vocal Tone Factor: 8 (Deep voice, its hot.)
The "I want them to read me a phone book" Factor: 10 (Gravelly voice, Mmmmm)
Total: 28
Personality: 7 (He's kind of mysterious, and very laid back seeming. From what I've seen, this man doesn't really do movie star. He's non-traditional. I also really like the Strong/Silent thing. Everything he says feels more important because of it. I can dig it Jason. Rock and roll.)
Talent: 8 (He's a very entertaining dude, I could watch him drive a car for hours. Which is an accomplishment because I find cars really boring for the most part.)
The Badass Factor: 10 (Dude, seriously.)
Overall Presence: 10 (I don't drive, nor do I know all that much about cars, but I DO know that I would buy any car Jason is seen driving. I'll also go see any movie he's in. I have no idea what it is about him, but for some reason he's magnetically attractive. He's like James Bond but rougher around the edges and that my friends is HOT. Not to mention he was a diver so his back is just about the hottest thing ever. This is a man I could watch hit people all day, and sometimes I do. Its good stress relief.)
Total: 113
In terms of general straight up hot, you really can't get any more sizzling then Jason Statham. He could say nothing at all for a whole two hours and I would still be completely entranced by him, its something about the way he moves, and his general presence. He's sex on legs. And not just sex on legs my friends, this man is rough sex on legs. It really does not get any hotter. Not too mention he completely STOLE this week from Christian Kane! And Christian is a hard man to beat out! Jason, you sir deserve a pat on the back.
Here's a few more pics for the road!
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