Looks :
The Hot factor: 10
The Cute Factor: 6 (I wouldn't categorize him as cute really, he has cute moments but he's more of a sizzler than anything, but his love of animals gives him a decent Awwww factor)
The Muscle Factor: 10 (Watch Leverage...his arms? Oh my god...)
The Smile Factor: 8 (Nothing wrong with it, but sometimes its hidden...)
The Eye Factor: 8
The Hair Factor: 10 (His long hair...fucking beautiful. I mean...ugh, I want to play with it!! ITS SO HOT!)
The Style Factor: 8 (Fairly generic, but its hot. He works it)
Total: 60
Voice -
The Accent Factor: 6 (Pretty generic american accent, but its got a tiny bit of a southern twang at points and I <3 it)
The Vocal Tone Factor: 10 (Its Growly. And Hot. Pretty much perfect)
The "I want them to read me a phone book" Factor: 8 (It wouldn't be the most amazing thing ever, but I think it would be very soothing.)
The Singing Factor: 10 (LISTEN TO KANE!! DOOO IT! His music is fantastic, I know not everyone likes country, but you'll like him. Seriously. His music sounds like home, and I know that makes no sense, but it really is just amazing. He's got a voice to die for.)
Personality: 10 (He seems like the biggest sweetheart ever. Apparently he's super shy around women too, which gives him like extra points. He just seems all around fun, and awesome, and generally amazing.
Talent: 10 (He sings, He act, he designs lingerie apparently...what more could you really ever ask for?)
The Badass Factor: 10 (Watch Leverage...or Angel...Or secondhand Lions...or really anything. He's a helluva bad ass, and it rocks!)
Overall Presence: 10 (He's a cowboy. And I'm a sucker for cowboys. I have a slight obsession, but then I mean its the perfect combination of Gentlemen and Badass, what more could you really ever want in life? Seriously?! Also he just puts out a really authentic and home-y energy, and I adore it.)
Total Score: 134
Christian is basically as awesome as you can get. I actually had to try and FIND things to deduct points on. He's a cowboy, and I totally adore that. Not only does it seem like there's nothing on earth the man can't do, but he also friken SIZZLES! And by that I mean, he's so hot that I think things would burst into flame when he walks into a room. Seriously. AND HE COOKS! AND LOVES FUZZY ANIMALS! You simply cannot get any better then this ladies (And gents). He really seems like a stand up individual, and I adore to no end. Keep rockin it Chris, seriously! Oh and...come to Ohio (Or Indiana) if you ever get the chance, we'd love to see you here ^_~