Looks -
The Hot factor: 10 (He's scruffy, manly hot. Manly hot is the best thing, its basically right up there next to cowboy hot.)
The Cute Factor: 9 (He's more hot then he is cute, however anyone who watches Grey's knows that he's more then capable of producing an "AWWWWWWWWW!!!" factor. He's down right adorable sometimes, especially when he's talking about his dog Bisou. Then he gets seriously adorable, but I'll get back into that later.)
The Muscle Factor: 10 (See Watchmen. Just do it.)
The Smile Factor: 10 (He's got one of those smiles that you have to smile back at, AND he has dimples! AHH! Adorable! You just want to hug him when he smiles, he's like a friggen teddy bear I swear.)
The Eye Factor: 9 (Pretty hazelnut eyes that you want to get lost in. Mhmm.)
The Hair Factor: 10 (He's got hair you just want to run your fingers through and mess up. Like seriously.)
The Style Factor: 10 (I can't really put a name on his style, but I like it. Its very relaxed and he seems like he's comfortable in EVERYTHING he wears. He cleans up VERY well, he also looks hot in the well worn look. AND he wears man bling [rings, chunky watch, silver bracelets] and I find that hot too. Awesome.)
Total: 68
Voice -
The Accent Factor: 7 (Have to rate this a 7 since he doesn't have much of one, but I still like the way he talks. ^_^)
The Vocal Tone Factor: 10 (Lets not kid, I want him to talk to me all day. He's got one of those voices that really draws you in and keeps you drawn in. Its got like a warm and fuzzy, but still gruff and manly thing going on. Plus he seems to be able to make intelligent conversation so...thats a plus!)
The "I want them to read me a phone book" Factor: 10 (Really, I just want him to TALK to me...so if he happens to be reading a phone book, then that's fine by me!)
Total: 27
Personality: 10 (Okay, so from what I can tell from interviews, he seems down to earth, funny, very warm, and intelligent to boot. He's the artistic type, which I aboslutely ADORE, and not only is he the artistic type, but he's like manly artistic and not emo artistic which causes drooling really. HOT. AND he LOVES his dog, he got her when she was just a little puppy, and the vet told him she wouldn't survive because she was too little, so he bottle fed her for a month and he's had her for 12 years now. If that sorty doesn't make you go "OMFGTHATSADORABLEANDIWANTYOU!" I don't know what the hell will, because any man that wil bottle feed a puppy for a month, is a win. He seems like a sweetheart. Awesome. And hot. Sha.)
Talent: 10 (Okay, anyone who can jump from Denny to John Winchester to Edward Blake AKA The Comedian, is friggen talented as all hell. Rock on sir, I commend you, especially since not only could he make a jump from a guy like Denny to a guy like The Comedian, but he made the Comedian someone you may have greatly disliked, but were still sympathetic towards. Making your character that human is the highest acheivement. Hard core!)
The Badass Factor: 10 (He's John Winchester on Supernatural, and The Comedian. You really can out-badass him. And he's still loveable! Whaaaat!? WIN!)
Overall Presence: 10 (He's a sweetheart, he's a gentleman, he loves his dog, and he paints. And after all that, he's still about as manly as you can get. WTF. That's pretty much as perfect as you can get. He's one of those guys that you really just want to hang out, and drink beer with, or gush over for the rest of forever. He seems like a caring soul, and that shows in his interviews. Rock on sir. Keep being awesome.)
Total Score: 135 (assuming I counted right)
In conclusion JDM is about as awesome as awesome gets. He's a man's man, he's an artist, and he loves his dog. That is the mark of greatness. My mom has loved him since he went on Grey's and for the LONGEST time I REFUSED to like him because my mom did. BUT she has good taste. I have to hand that to her. As soon as I started watching Supernatural, I couldn't get enough of the guy. He's addicting I swear. Got to love a guy with scruff and dimples. ^_^ Here's a few pics for the road.