I'm terrible and I haven't had time to update in like TWO WHOLE MONTHS!! WTF!? Tragic I know, BUT it lieu of me finally only having math homework and monologue work...you're getting a new update. On a Tuesday!! Ooooooh...I may post another on Sunday to make up for my missing like 8 weeks...
Anyway, without further ado I present Misha Collins, my new obsession of the moment.
Looks -
The Hot factor: 10 (I get all squeal-tastic when he's on screen in supernatural, its almost embarrassing to watch it with other people in the room simply because of the high pitch squeek I make when he appears. He's "I'd walk into a wall I'm so busy looking at you" hot. No joke.)
The Cute Factor: 9 (Castiel is super adorable...seriously, watch supernatural)
The Muscle Factor: 7 ( Can't quite rate it, he's always in a trench coat on Supernatural, HOWEVER he was in an episode of Nip/Tuck where he preforms an epic feat of flexibility, which is an automatic win.)
The Smile Factor: 10 (He's got one of those smiles that makes you giggle/smile every time. Like seriously...)
The Eye Factor: 10 (Bluest. Eyes. EVER!!)
The Hair Factor: 10 (Perfect as is!)
The Style Factor: 8 (Can't get a super good lock on it, but it seems down to earth and awesome.)
Total: 64
Voice -
The Accent Factor: 7 (He's American, BUT he wins points for his ability to do a decent russian accent, that just earns my respect dude.)
The Vocal Tone Factor: 10 (I love his voice when its normal, but as Castiel...its like the hottest thing ever, all growly and...hot basically. I mean...I could listen to him say "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition" Over...and over...and then over again.)
The "I want them to read me a phone book" Factor: 10 (He'd make it interesting I think)
Total: 27
Personality: 10 (He seems to be a really genuine, awesome individual. One of those guys that really just projects good feelings and warmth. He seems to just be like...almost perfect. Funny, caring, smart...I can't seem to find a single thing WRONG with him. The fans all say he's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Which is like hard core, you look good then you're hot, you look good AND you're nice = Epic win. He's done lots of things in his life, and he seems to just really be living life for what it is. Hard core sir, I commend you.)
Talent: 10 (For the record, I'm starting to think there isn't anything this man CAN'T do. He acts with wonderful talent, can fake a russian, he writes poetry (AWESOME!!), built his own home, built his own furniture, started a software company, and worked as a white house aid to Bill Clinton. So he's one friken smart cookie. Which makes him like INFINITLY more attractive. Seriously. I just kind of want to stand in a room with him and bask in his awesome-ness. Or hug him. That'd be effective as well I think ^_~)
The Badass Factor: 10 (You know...the fact that he built his own house gains him automatic points, also he played an assassin on 24. And plays a warrior angel on Supernatural. While Cas has yet to preform any major feats of outright badassness...he pretty much gets 10 point just for being a 'Warrior Angel'. What a good title to have.)
Overall Presence 10 (Seriously, he's nice, super damn attractive, apparently incredibly smart, and has done more things in his life then like at least 75% of the world it seems. Not only has he done all the stuff I previously listed, BUT he's also worked for NPR radio, studied Social Theory at the University of Chicago, has slept in an igloo, studied Bhuddism in Nepal with monks, and apparently goes back every year to practice more bhuddist meditation. He could not get more mind blowingly attractive if he tried. He's tall, dark, handsom, and smart to boot. I feel as though I'd either go into shock if I met him, or my brain would cease function completely. He's just SO EPIC! He's WAY to hot to actually be that awesome of a human being! Good on you sir!! Watch Supernatural, it makes my week better every week. I kid you not, no matter how SHIT my day has been, Castiel and the gang ALWAYS ALWAYS put a smile on my face. As an actor, I commend you Misha for being able to create a character so dynamic, stoic, intriguing, endearing, and sizzling all at the same time. Rock the hell on! You're an inspiring human being, keep it trucking dude.)
Total Score: 131
Of the non-singers, Misha seems to be in the lead! ROCK ON! I feel as though you massively deserve it. Misha seems to be just an all around interesting, smart, cool individual, and he's a great actor to boot. AND super attractive!! He's basically just a straight up win. My week is made automatically better if he's on supernatural, and his interviews never fail to make me smile. Spead his awesome-ness. He's one super cool dude. He's basically the definition of tall, dark and handsom I think. What a win. Here's a few pics for the road!